Fanshawe College


School Introduction 院校介紹

Fanshawe offers 200+ programs across many disciplines, including arts, media, design, technology and skilled trades, business, information technology, culinary, health and human services.

Ranging from one-year preparatory certificates and apprenticeships to diplomas and four-year honours degrees, we focus on putting knowledge into practice, connecting in intimate learning environments and supporting academic progress through research, innovation and professional development. Above all, we deliver exceptional learning opportunities to more than 55,000 students each year.
Fanshawe has much to offer. This fall, the new Don Crich Skilled Trades Accelerator will open at the London Campus. The Don Crich Skilled Trades Accelerator will be an entrance point for all members of the community to learn more about trades and share employment opportunities.
In January 2024, Fanshawe will open Innovation Village. Located in the heart of the London Campus, Innovation Village will be a physical and virtual hub where students will discover one-stop supports and exceptional learning. It will include collaborative work spaces, virtual reality and multimedia labs, a makerspace, project rooms, research support and cutting-edge equipment.
In 2022, Fanshawe developed a partnership in Toronto with ILAC International College, a private college that is one of the most awarded international schools in the world. This partnership allows international students to take advantage of Fanshawe’s high-quality programming and study in downtown Toronto, one of the most multicultural and exciting cities in the world.
Fanshawe also boasts a strong alumni network, with more than 200,000+ graduates living and working across Canada and around the world, contributing in countless ways to our global community.
We change lives at Fanshawe. We warmly invite you to learn more about the Fanshawe experience by exploring our website, touring our campuses and meeting our vibrant students, staff and faculty.


Fanshawe offers a world of possibility, and we hope you will join us.

As a leader in the provision of articulation agreements and curriculum-delivery partnerships with colleges and universities worldwide, the College supports 1,000+ pathways, involving 60+ institutions across 10+ countries. This significant and ever-expanding activity exemplifies our fine reputation within the international community.



韋仕敦大學主校區 Western University (Main Campus) 以及其所屬的3個大學學院雙錄取範莎學院與同在一個城市的名校韋仕敦大學主校區以及其所屬的3個大學學院即:韋仕敦大學國王大學學院 (King’s University College),休倫大學學院 (Huron University College) 和布雷舍爾大學學院 (Brescia University College) 簽有雙邊協議:沒有托福、雅思成績的國際學生可以通過範莎學院直接申請以上大學的各類本科專業。獲得範莎學院 + 韋仕敦大學、國王大學學院、休倫大學學院或者布雷舍爾大學學院的雙錄取后,學生必須先入範莎學院,完成 EAP 十級學習,成績達到 80%,就可以直接就讀以上大學,完成本科學業后獲得韋仕敦大學學士學位



範莎學院與超過65所加拿大及其他國家著名大學之間簽有 600多個專本雙學歷連讀的學分轉移協議。學生可以在4-5年內得到專、本兩個學歷文憑。培養既具有應用技能(學院)又具有理論知識(大學)的復合型人才。





Main Fields of Study 主修課程類別

Fanshawe College has more than 220 programs:

  • Certificates (1 year)

  • Diplomas and Advanced Diplomas (2 or 3 years)

  • Post-Graduate Certificates (1 or 2 years)

  • Honours Bachelor Degrees (4 years)


Unique / Strong Programs 獨特 / 推介課程

  • Applied Science and Technology
  • Building Technology
  • Business
  • Contemporary Media
  • Design
  • Health Science and Nursing
  • Human Services
  • Language and Liberal Studies
  • Information Technology
  • Public Safety
  • Tourism and Hospitality
  • Transportation Technology


Website 網址

Address 地址

1001 Fanshawe College Blvd
Ontario Canada N5Y 5R6

Student Population 學生人口

There are approximately 21,000 full-time students at Fanshawe

International Student 國際學生人口


Language of Instruction 教學語言


Term Duration and Dates 學期資訊

  • Certificates (1 year)
  • Diplomas and Advanced Diplomas (2 or 3 years)
  • Post-Graduate Certificates (1 or 2 years)
  • Honours Bachelor Degrees (4 years)
  • Provide Jan, Mar, May, and Sep intake.

Tuition Fees for International Students 國際學生學費

CAD 14,000 - 18,000

Application Deadline 截止報名日期

First come, first served